
Got Questions? We’ve Got Answers!

Welcome to our FAQ sanctuary, where we unravel the mysteries of digital marketing and web development with a pinch of humor and heaps of expertise. Curious about how we build websites or make your brand dazzle online? Browse our FAQs to get the inside scoop on our strategic sorcery and how we transform digital challenges into triumphs, all while keeping it light and engaging.

Strategy questions

How does Digital Nar pick a target audience

Do we use a crystal ball? Not quite, but almost as magical! At Digital Nar, we dive deep into the sea of data and swim through analytics to fish out your ideal audience. We look at demographics, interests, online behavior, and even the secret sauce—contextual clues that tell us who is most likely to love what you do. It’s not just about finding an audience; it’s about finding your audience—the ones who will click, call, and convert.

What factors most influence a successful ecommerce website

Think of your ecommerce site as the ultimate digital storefront. What pulls people in? Is it the flashy signs (stellar design), the irresistible sales pitch (compelling content), or the smooth talking shopkeeper (user-friendly navigation)? Absolutely—all of the above! At Digital Nar, we mix a potent cocktail of dazzling design, seductive SEO, and seamless functionality to make sure your ecommerce platform isn’t just a shop, it’s the place to shop. We also keep a sharp eye on load speed, mobile optimization, and secure payment options because let’s face it, no one likes a slow or sketchy checkout!

How does a custom SEO agency measure the success of its strategies?

Ah, the art of SEO success—it’s part science, part magic show! At Digital Nar, we don’t just throw keywords around like confetti and hope for the best. Instead, we track the real party starters: increased traffic, higher rankings on search engines, more clicks, and, most importantly, conversions that ring the cash register. We use a mix of analytics tools to keep tabs on what’s hot and what’s not, refining our strategies based on solid data. Think of us as the SEO sommeliers, selecting the perfect blend of tactics to get your site the attention it deserves.

What are the steps involved in developing a custom SEO strategy?

At Digital Nar, crafting a custom SEO strategy is like directing a blockbuster movie. First, we dive deep in a discovery session to understand your business and goals. Then, we analyze the market like scouting locations, identifying opportunities and sizing up the competition. We move onto keyword research, picking the perfect phrases that your audience is searching for, much like casting the right actors. With all this info, we tailor an SEO plan that fits your unique brand perfectly. The real action begins as we implement these strategies, monitoring and tweaking them along the way to ensure they perform optimally. And just like a movie premiere, we keep you updated with regular reports on the progress and success of our efforts. It’s a dynamic, ongoing process designed to elevate your online presence!

How does a custom SEO agency ensure its strategies align with a client’s brand?

At Digital Nar, ensuring our SEO strategies align with your brand is like being the conductor of an orchestra. First, we sit down with you to really listen and understand your brand’s voice, values, and goals. It’s about getting the full picture—what makes your brand unique, who your audience is, and what you want to achieve. With this insight, we craft SEO strategies that not only speak your language but also resonate deeply with your target audience. We think of it as tuning our instruments to play in perfect harmony with your brand’s identity, ensuring every SEO move we make amplifies your brand’s presence in the digital world.

Can a custom SEO agency cater to businesses in specific industries?

bsolutely! At Digital Nar, we thrive on diversity. Just like a master chef tailors a menu to suit different palates, we customize our SEO strategies to fit the unique flavors of various industries. Whether you’re in the bustling world of e-commerce, the nurturing grounds of healthcare, or the creative sphere of entertainment, we have the expertise to serve up strategies that resonate with your industry’s specific audience and challenges. By deeply understanding the nuances of your sector, we ensure our SEO efforts are as effective and relevant as possible.

How does a custom SEO agency identify a client’s unique SEO needs?

Identifying your unique SEO needs begins with a comprehensive review of your business landscape. Think of it as detective work—examining your current online presence, analyzing the competitive environment within your industry, and understanding your target audience’s search behavior. This deep dive helps uncover the specific challenges and opportunities unique to your brand, allowing us to develop strategies that are precisely tailored to boost your visibility and engagement where it matters most.

How do you ensure our website fits with our brand?

How do we ensure your website fits like Cinderella’s glass slipper? First, we get to know your brand—its personality, dreams, and even its favorite color. We then tailor every pixel and paragraph to make sure your website not only matches your brand but flaunts it fabulously. It’s like picking out an outfit for the Oscars—we make sure everything from your logo to your footer is dressed to impress, ensuring your site is not just another face in the crowd but the belle of the ball. And just like any star-studded event, we aim for applause at every click!

Technical questions

Will the website be secure and optimized for speed?

Well, that’s like asking us who should win the ‘Best Host’ award at a glitzy awards show! It really depends on your site’s specific needs. For star-studded performance with minimal downtime, we often lean towards the big names like Amazon Web Services, if you’re after heavyweight stability, or perhaps something sleek and flexible like DigitalOcean, if you’re diving into the digital deep end. For those seeking a user-friendly interface with solid performance, SiteGround might just be your red carpet. Don’t worry, we’ll help you pick the host that makes your website feel like the guest of honor every day!

Who do you recommend for hosting?

Well, that’s like asking us who should win the ‘Best Host’ award at a glitzy awards show! It really depends on your site’s specific needs. For star-studded performance with minimal downtime, we often lean towards the big names like Amazon Web Services, if you’re after heavyweight stability, or perhaps something sleek and flexible like DigitalOcean, if you’re diving into the digital deep end. For those seeking a user-friendly interface with solid performance, SiteGround might just be your red carpet. Don’t worry, we’ll help you pick the host that makes your website feel like the guest of honor every day!

Can we edit content on our own website?

f course! We equip your site with a user-friendly content management system (CMS) that’s as easy to use as a toaster. Just pop in your updates, and voilà, your content is fresh and hot off the press. No need for tech wizardry or calling in favors from your IT-savvy nephew. We set you up to be the master of your digital domain, giving you the freedom to tweak, tune, and transform your content whenever the inspiration strikes.

Will you configure GA4 for us?

Absolutely! Consider us your digital sommeliers, here to uncork the full potential of Google Analytics 4 for your website. We’ll not only set it up but also make sure it’s fine-tuned to track all the right data—like a maestro tuning an orchestra before a big concert. This way, you can enjoy the sweet symphony of insightful analytics that help you make smarter business decisions. Let’s toast to data-driven success!

What platforms do you build websites on?

Imagine us as the chefs in a high-tech kitchen, where every platform is a specialty dish! For marketing masterpieces, we’re all about Webflow—it’s like the sushi of web design: sleek, modern, and meticulously crafted. Need a robust e-commerce platform? Shopify combined with Nuxt JS (that’s Jamstack style!) is our recipe for success—think of it as the deluxe pizza with all the toppings. And for the heavy-duty web applications, Laravel is our go-to, akin to a hearty beef stew that warms the soul. Plus, we’re seasoned with WordPress and other platforms, ready to adapt to your palate, minus the .NET or Java—those are a bit too spicy for our taste!

Team and agency questions

What are the different types of developers on your team

Picture us as a superhero squad, each with unique digital powers! We’ve got Web Wizards who conjure up spellbinding sites, SEO Sorcerers who boost your rankings with their mystical arts, and Content Crafters who weave compelling tales to captivate your audience. Our PPC Pioneers shoot for the stars to maximize your ad spend, while our Strategy Sages map out your path to digital dominance. And let’s not forget our Branding Buffs, who sprinkle that creative magic to make your brand shine. Together, we tackle the digital universe, one successful campaign at a time!

Where is Digital Nar located?

ur heartbeat is in the vibrant core of downtown Toronto, but our spirit? It’s everywhere and anywhere! As a remote-first digital agency, we draw on the diverse and dynamic talents of our team members who work from all corners of the globe. This global presence not only brings diverse perspectives into every project but also keeps our creativity buzzing around the clock. And with our commitment to work-life balance, flexible hours, and competitive benefits, our team thrives no matter where they log in from.

What services does Digital Nar offer?

We’re like the Swiss Army knife of digital marketing! Need a battle plan? Our Digital Strategy is top-notch. Want your brand to shine? Our Branding experts have you covered. Need a stunning website? Our Web Design team delivers elegance and function. Struggling to get found? Our Technical SEO gurus will boost your visibility. Looking for clicks that count? Our PPC and Paid Social teams are the sharpest in the game. And for maximum reach, our Programmatic and SEM services ensure your message hits all the right spots. We’ve got the tools, the talent, and the tenacity to make digital magic happen!

What is your experience in the industry?

 Picture this: our team hails from top-tier, blue-chip agency backgrounds, having managed powerhouse clients like P&G, PC Financial, D+H, Sheridan, Microsoft, Google, and more. We’ve been rocking the digital world since 2011, and Digital Nar was born in 2016 to bring that big-league expertise to startups and multinationals alike. Our crew is a treasure trove of talent, boasting experience in UX/UI, Research, Content Development, SEO, Digital Strategy, and beyond. In short, we’ve got the chops to take your digital presence from zero to hero!

Service related questions

What tools and technologies are commonly used by custom Advertising and SEO agencies?

 Imagine our toolkit as a digital Swiss Army knife, brimming with the latest gadgets. For SEO, we wield the power of tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush, helping us dig deep into keywords and competitors like digital archaeologists. Google Analytics and Google Search Console are our crystal balls for tracking performance and tweaking strategies. On the advertising front, we deploy Google Ads and Facebook Ads Manager like seasoned generals commanding vast armies, ensuring every penny hits its mark. For Programmatic Advertising, we use industry heavyweights like DV360 and Trade Desk to master Display, Video, and Search ads, reaching the right audience at the right time

What are the core services offered by your agency?

What are the core services offered by your agency? Think of us as the ultimate digital mixologists, shaking up a blend of Digital Strategy, Branding, and Web Design. Need to climb the search rankings? Our Technical SEO wizards have you covered. Hungry for clicks? Our PPC and Paid Social experts are sharpshooters, making every penny count. For reaching the right audience at the right time, our Programmatic Advertising maestros use DV360 and Trade Desk for Display, Video, and Search. Whether you need a sleek new website or a full-scale digital marketing blitz, we’ve got the skills and the sass to make it happen!

What types of businesses typically need a custom SEO agency?

We don’t buy into the myth of sticking to a single business vertical. At the end of the day, whether it’s Healthcare, Renewable Energy, Education, CPG, or any other industry, we use the same cutting-edge tools for research and execution. Our philosophy? Great digital marketing works across the board. We don’t judge—if you have a vision and a business, we’ve got the strategy and the skills to make it shine!

Can you help with search engine optimization (SEO)?

You bet your bottom dollar we can! Our SEO wizards dive deep into the digital depths to unearth the perfect keywords, optimize your site, and boost your rankings. Think of us as your online treasure hunters, navigating the search engine seas to make sure your site stands out like a sparkling gem. Whether it’s technical tweaks, content magic, or link-building strategies, we’ve got the SEO skills to help your site climb the ranks and shine bright on Google’s radar.

Rates questions

What are your payment terms and project fees?

Ah, the million-dollar question—literally! Our payment terms are as flexible as a yoga instructor. We generally require an initial deposit to get things rolling, with the balance due at various milestones or upon project completion. This might mean two payments of 50% each, three payments of 50%, 25%, and 25%, or even more complex structures for longer projects. As for project fees, it’s all about what you need. From a simple site refresh to a full-scale digital extravaganza, we tailor our pricing to fit your unique needs and budget. Just give us the scoop on your project, and we’ll whip up a quote that’s as sweet as your favorite dessert.

How much does a website cost?

 Ah, the age-old question! Asking about website costs is like asking how much a car costs—do you want a sleek sports car or a reliable family sedan? Our pricing is tailored to your needs, starting from the basic ‘get me online’ package to the all-singing, all-dancing digital extravaganza. Whether you’re after a simple site or a complex e-commerce platform, we’ll create a custom quote that fits your budget. Just share your vision, and we’ll provide a price that ensures you get the most bang for your buck without breaking the bank.

Process questions

How does your design/development process work?

It’s like crafting a blockbuster hit! We start with Strategy—digging deep into your goals and plotting a foolproof plan. Then, our Creative team transforms that plan into stunning, user-friendly designs.

Next, our Implementation wizards bring these designs to life, ensuring everything runs smoothly on every device. Finally, in the Delivery phase, we rigorously test and optimize your site, providing training so your team can keep the magic going.

From start to finish, we blend precision, creativity, and expertise to exceed your digital dreams. Ready to turn ambitions into achievements? Let’s get started!

. Learn more on our approach and process pages.

How long does it take to design and launch a site?

Well, it’s not quite as fast as making instant noodles, but we’re quicker than a season of your favorite TV show! Typically, from initial brainstorming to the grand launch, it takes about 8-12 weeks. Of course, the exact timeline depends on the complexity of the project and how many bells and whistles you want. But rest assured, we keep things moving swiftly and efficiently to get your site live and thriving in no time!

What is your web design and development approach?

Think of it as crafting a gourmet meal: we start with the freshest ingredients (your goals and vision) and follow a meticulously planned recipe. First, our Strategy chefs cook up a plan through thorough discovery and research. Next, our Creative team adds the spice, crafting beautiful, engaging designs that capture your brand’s flavor.

Then, our Implementation experts serve it up, turning designs into a fully functional, responsive site with all the trimmings. Finally, we taste-test in the Delivery phase, conducting rigorous testing to ensure everything is just right. We even provide the recipe (documentation and training) so you can keep things delicious long after launch. In short, we mix creativity, precision, and a dash of magic to create a digital experience that’s perfectly tailored to you!