Website Design

Your Website Called – It Wants to Impress, Not Depress

Your company website is often the first thing your audience sees. Make it count! At Digital Nar, we don’t just design websites; we create digital experiences that leave your competition in the dust and your visitors wanting more. Ready for a website that’s as unique as your brand? Let’s make it unforgettable.

Website Design and Development Services

Website Design that Captivates and Amuses Your Audience

At Digital Nar, we’re not just building websites; we’re crafting digital experiences that leave your audience both impressed and entertained. We’re masters of the latest web technologies, creating sites and apps that not only perform but dazzle.

Our custom web designs come with a rock-solid support network and a vibrant community, guaranteeing ongoing growth for your business. We future-proof your site so it remains a stunner today and ages like fine wine.

Responsive design

Our designs are like chameleons, effortlessly adapting to any screen size. Your users get a seamless experience whether they’re on a phone, tablet, or computer. It’s like magic, but it’s just really good design.


We build sites that are welcoming to everyone, ensuring no visitor feels left out. From color contrast to keyboard navigation, we cover all the bases to make sure your digital home is usable by all. Plus, let’s be real—dodging ADA lawsuits is just the cherry on top of an already inclusive sundae.

High performance

We optimize your site to be a speed demon, providing a buttery-smooth experience that keeps visitors coming back for more. It’s like a theme park for your audience, minus the long lines.

Search engine optimization (SEO)

Slapping SEO on a site after it’s built? That’s like trying to put icing on a cake that’s already burnt. We bake SEO into our design process from the get-go, ensuring your site ranks high and draws in organic traffic like bees to honey.

The Digital Nar difference

Elevate Your Online Game with Our Web Design Expertise

Bringing the Human Element Online

We get it—behind every ecommerce transaction is a person with unique needs and desires. Our approach merges human intuition with digital savvy to create a shopping experience that truly connects with your audience. It’s like having a friendly store clerk who just happens to be a website.

Custom Solutions for Unique Challenges

Trying to fix a unique problem with a generic solution? Yeah, that’s not going to fly. At Digital Nar, we offer a wide range of ecommerce website development services, all customized to fit your specific requirements. Because one size fits all never fits anyone perfectly.

Boosting Customer Engagement

Our team of ecommerce gurus and data wizards work their magic to make every interaction on your site valuable. Partner with us, and you’ll see a boost in online sales, enhanced user experience, and an online presence so dazzling it makes your competition look like they’re stuck in dial-up days.


How we deliver web design

UI/UX Design

User Research – Interface Design – Usability Testing

At Digital Nar, our UI/UX design process involves in-depth user research, intuitive interface design, and rigorous usability testing to create user-centered designs that improve engagement and conversion rates.

API Development

Design – Integration – Management

Digital Nar excels in designing, integrating, and managing APIs, ensuring seamless communication between different software components and services to create robust and scalable web solutions.

Ecommerce Platforms

Platform Selection – Customization – Optimization

Digital Nar excels in selecting, customizing, and optimizing ecommerce platforms to create seamless shopping experiences, increase conversions, and drive sales.

Full Stack Engineering

Frontend – Backend – Systems

Our full stack engineering services encompass frontend and backend development, along with system integration, providing complete and efficient web solutions.

Infrastructure and DevOps

Systems Architecture – Automation – CI/CD

Our team specializes in infrastructure and DevOps, ensuring robust system architecture, streamlined deployment automation, and continuous integration for improved operational efficiency.

Jamstack Development

Secure – Performant – Scalable

Digital Nar leverages Jamstack principles for modern web development, focusing on performance optimization and static site generation for faster, more secure websites.

Nocode Development

Marketing Sites – Integrations – Rapid Prototyping

We utilize nocode platforms for rapid solution design and prototyping, enabling quick iteration and deployment of web applications without traditional coding.

Performance and Security

Optimization – Auditing – Risk Mitigation

Our focus on performance and security involves enhancing website speed, conducting thorough vulnerability assessments, and implementing measures to mitigate risks and protect against threats.


360 Degrees of Web Excellence: Crafting Websites That Work Harder Than You Do

Why settle for a passive website when it can actively boost your business? Our web design approach ensures that every element, from striking visuals to powerful backend operations, works tirelessly. We blend aesthetic appeal with functionality, making your site not just a pretty face but a dynamic tool that engages, converts, and outperforms. This strategy transforms your website into an indispensable business asset, hustling 24/7 to meet your goals.

User-Centric Design

We design like we’re mind readers, crafting interfaces that users can navigate even after their second glass of wine.

Speed and Performance

Our websites load so fast, your customers won’t have time to get distracted by their cat videos.

Visual and Functional

We make your site look good and work hard—think of it as the digital equivalent of a brainy supermodel.

Mobile Optimization

Our mobile designs ensure your site looks fabulous in every size, from tablets to phablets and everything in between.

SEO-Ready Framework

We build your site to be found easily, because what’s the point of hiding your light under a bushel?

. Security and Compliance

We lock down your site tighter than your most embarrassing high school photos.


Open source tools that are carefully selected and meticulously perfected

We’re passionate about harnessing top-notch web technologies to craft online stores and transaction-capable websites that not only scale and perform flawlessly but also benefit from a robust support network within a thriving community. Plus, we integrate several key factors to ensure your online store continues to thrive into the future.

Website FAQs

The Nitty-Gritty Details You Really Wanted to Ask

How much is this going to cost me?

Let’s talk money—because nothing says ‘awkward’ like unexpected invoices. We offer clear pricing structures because we hate surprises as much as you do (unless it’s cake).

How long will it take to build my website?

Patience is a virtue, but let’s be real, you want this done yesterday. We work swiftly to get your site live so you can start impressing customers and making competitors jealous.

Will my website work on mobile?

Is the Pope Catholic? Absolutely. We ensure your site looks good on every device, because let’s face it, everyone’s glued to their phones.

Can I update the website myself?

We empower you with the tools and training to update your site, because who wants to call tech support for a typo?

What if I don’t like the design?

We iterate, you celebrate! We refine the design based on your feedback because ultimately, it’s your digital home—make sure you love where you live.

How do we track the success of the website?

With cutting-edge analytics and reports that even your grandma could understand. We help you keep tabs on performance, visitor behaviors, and conversions, so you know it’s not just a pretty face—it’s working hard too.

How do you make sure my website ranks well on search engines?

We integrate SEO best practices from the ground up. None of that retrofitting nonsense. Our approach ensures your site is search-engine-friendly from day one. It’s like we have an inside man at Google, helping you climb those search rankings with ease.

Can you handle my unique business needs, or do you just offer cookie-cutter solutions?

Unique is our middle name. Well, not literally, but you get the point. We tailor our services to meet your specific needs, because one-size-fits-all is so last century. Whether you’re selling artisanal pickles or high-tech gadgets, we’ve got a custom solution for you.

How do you stay ahead of web design trends?

We’ve got our finger on the pulse of the web design world. Our team stays ahead of trends through continuous learning, experimenting, and maybe a little bit of caffeine-fueled madness. When you work with us, you’re not just getting a website—you’re getting the future of web design.

Is it true that a well-designed website can make me rich and famous?

While we can’t promise you’ll be the next internet sensation, a well-designed website can definitely boost your business and online presence. Think of it as a solid foundation for your digital empire. Who knows? Maybe fame and fortune are just a few clicks away!

Kind words
Digital Nar is an exceptional partner. Our business is dependent on the technology behind it and Digital Nar has been there from the start to ensure our website and the operations related to it are seamless and effective.

Jack Carlinorn Cofounderrn Wanamakers LLC