About Us

About Us

We believe that continous innovation is the key. Most of the technologies we work with today were barely theorized a decade ago. Now, they save real lives of patients across the globe.

Our Way of Work

Daring to look into the fields beyond the frontier has secured us the position we’re at today. The one that gives us the ability to help people with the most complex cancers, give hope to those with orphan diseases, and solve practical problems of the industry. 

At the same time, we don’t believe in “dreaming big” as is, with no structural basis. Our team’s expertise keeps us focused on what’s achievable now, moving forward one step at a time.

We stand at an equidistant point between pure manufacturing of today’s vital products, from microelectronics to life-saving nuclear medicine, and full immersion in the development of future biotechnologies. That’s our way to achieve balance in continuous innovation. Our way to make lives easier and save lives: today and tomorrow.

Isotope Manufacturing

We stand as a trusted supplier of medical-grade isotopes to ensure that healthcare providers have the tools they need for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment.

Nuclear Medicine

Paving the way for advanced diagnostic and therapeutic solutions. By supplying world’s leading medical professionals, we can help modern oncology at the molecular level.

Pharmacovigilance Solutions

Smart Package is the ultimate solution to modern pharmacovigilance, ensuring that vital medications are stored, transported, and delivered under optimal conditions.