Y-90 Microspheres

Y-90 Microspheres

HCC, or hepatocellular carcinoma, is #5 most common cause of cancer. Sol-gel based microsphere radioembolization is a novel, targeted, minimally invasive way to combat it with a proven effectiveness. Noya aims to make Yttrium-90 microspheres treatment a viable option for more patients worldwide.

Why Yttrium-90 and YAS glass microspheres?

Delivering pure β-emitter, Y-90, straight to the tumour tissue with 30-micron spheres is a unique way for oncologists to optimize the treatment, focus on the patient-specific requirements and the result, not the limitations of the process.

New Opportunities for HCC Treatment with Y-90 Microspheres


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Mechanism of Action

The treatment relies on a combination of tried-and-true embolisation procedure, deep understanding of HCC’s effects on the liver, and the radioactive effects of Yttrium-90. With an advanced approach to the microsphere glass design, we can push the effectiveness even further.

Step 1: Diagnostics & Preparation

Before the start, the patient should go through a CT, MRI, or PET evaluation of tumour volume. Physicians should evaluate the vascular structure of the liver and make sure the dose is adjusted accordingly to minimise the risk of complications.

Step 2: Injection

Through catheterisation, nano-structured Y90 microspheres are injected into the hepatic artery. Since HCC alters the blood flow in the liver and almost exclusively relies on this route, microspheres are delivered precisely to the target area.

Step 3: Y90 Effects

Yttrium-90 from the microspheres emits beta-particles that damage the surrounding cells and destroy cancer tissue. The effect is localised and radiation is absorbed by the tumour, so the healthy tissue around it is minimally affected in the process.

Step 4: Post-dosimetry

After the injection, when Y90 microspheres fully spread in the target site and start providing the effects in tumor’s arteriolar capillaries, the status of treatment is estimated via the measurement of the bremsstrahlung (SPECT, SPECT/CT, or PET).

Step 5: Results & Observation

While regular CT & MRI scans are necessary for the dynamics control, a proven high response rate and a general life expectancy stretch to over 2 years prove that Y90 glass microsphere treatment is one of the most promising approaches to liver cancer treatment.


Noya’s Advancements

Noya has both the expertise and the manufacturing facilities for the sol-gel-based production and irradiation of nanostructured Y-90 microspheres.

Microspheres, made of composite amorphous material, based on oxides of Yttrium, silicon, and aluminium, are currently in the pre-clinical stage of development. A dedicated facility for a large scale production is currently under construction in Hong Kong.

We believe that our technology is positioned to provide more opportunities to modern oncology and improve the survivability of 950,000+ of patients, diagnosed with HCC globally.

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Nuclear Medicine

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Orphan Drugs

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